Associations in Glommersbygden

The association life is a big part of a village being alive and it is perhaps the rich association life that has made our village what it is?
See below a selection of associations in the area, but do not hesitate to contact us if you have any specific requests 

Glommersträsk "village council"

Glommersträsk "Bygderåd" is a non-profit organization that wants to increase well-being and cohesion in the village but also for its development.

The Berry house

Where past and present meet, Bärens hus (Berry house) shows in its exhibition the history of berries and also sells locally produced products from Glommersbär.


Glommersträsk Lappträsk Sports Association (GLIF) provides the local outdoor swimming pool, gym, various sports activities, ice rink and much more.

Local history association

The local history society preserves and protects the history and culture of the village. They organize Mrs. Käck's café every year and hold guided tours.

Vithatten snowmobile club

If you love snowmobiling, maybe the snowmobile club is for you?
Photo: Anette Wikström

Other associations

Here you will find various associations that also exist in the village, such as for the bread bakery house, congregation etc.